Parent/ Guardian same as previous form:
Information for ... Select child # registering now Camper's Grade June 1 At the time of Registration Medical and Allergy Information
Camper's Medical History including physical limitations
Camper's Allergies - Food, Medication, Other
1-Loved One's Date of Birth 1-Loved One's Date of Death IMPORTANT: Please describe below the loved one and Camper's relationship and share some information about the person who died, such as what was important to them, their profession, hobbies, values.
Upload one or more pictures of the Camper's Loved One to use during camp memorial. Go to bottom of page to upload Medical cards if form completed with one loved one.
2nd Loved One's Relationship to Camper 2nd Loved One's Date of Birth 2nd Loved One's Date of Death IMPORTANT 2nd: Please describe below the loved one and Camper's relationship and share some information about the person who died, such as what was important to them, their profession, hobbies, values.
Upload one or more pictures of the Camper's Loved One to use during camp memorial.
3rd Loved One's Relationship to Camper 3rd Loved One's Date of Birth 3rd Loved One's Date of Death IMPORTANT 3: Please describe below the loved one and Camper's relationship and share some information about the person who died, such as what was important to them, their profession, hobbies, values.
Upload one or more pictures of the Camper's Loved One to use during camp memorial.
Please attach a picture of both sides of any card issued by the
insurance company that provides coverage to the Camper below.